Finding Me is a peek into a child's world. It prompts young readers to think beyond their everyday reality, and form meaningful relationships with themselves and their surroundings. It creates a space for children to bring imagination and hope into their reality through art and storytelling.
Finding Me is a limited-edition book by Mysticeti which will be distributed in art and community spaces, encouraging children to believe in themselves.
Preview of Finding Me

Turn yourself into a superhuman!
Let's see what Kashvi (Age 7) created after reading Finding Me.
My superhuman name is Paintfly, As Paintfly, I can fly around the world on my magic cloud with my pet parrot. Together, we can paint the Earth colourful; thanks to my costume that has an unlimited supply of many paints.
Make your dreams come true!
Let's see what Mishka (Age 7) created.
Meet Mishka's cat with red eyes. In her dreams, the cat's skin looked like a newspaper. When Mishka first saw the cat, she felt scared but as soon as the cat started talking to her, they became friends.

Create an abstract artwork with nature!
Let's see what Barish (Age 12) created after reading Finding Me
Barish made this artwork with the identical leaves she collected during her walk in the park. She says that the leaves remind her of her two best friends - Bebo and Niru.
Create a comic in
the clouds!

Let's see what Prabir (Age 9) created after reading Finding Me
Prabir spent some time looking at the clouds and spotted many people and animals floating in the sky. He imagined them as the characters of a story and created this comic stirp in the clouds ~
Build your
own home!
Let's visit Akshat's (Age 10) home.
Akshat's home is made of a big and empty cardboard box. Every time he feels like creating drawings in peace, he hides in the box with blank sheets of paper and crayons.

About Mysticeti's friends ~
Stuti Sareen
Stuti created Mysticeti. She is an art educator, storyteller and a researcher. She lives in Varanasi and spends most of her time designing creative activities with children. Her work has been featured by The New Yorker, MAP Bangalore, UNICEF and The Hindu, among others.
Contact Mysticeti at mysticetimagazine@gmail.com
Kenzen School
Mysticeti's Partner
Kenzen School is an alternative education primary school in Varanasi. Founded in 2011, it cultivates the love for learning, exploring and dreaming in children.
Anushree Joshi
Cover Design and Doodles
Anushree is an interaction designer and visual artist based in Ahemdabad. She is currently exploring storytelling through art for children.
Vishnu Baiju
Vishnu is a fine arts graduate. He lives in Trivandrum and spends most of his time experimenting on various mediums to make art. He is currently in love with 2D animation.
Shilpa Sivaraman
Shilpa is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh. She lives in Scotland, where she spends most of her time curating an art gallery.