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Kauri (Centre for Art & Storytelling by Mysticeti) had a soft launch with its partner schools in December 2023 through an art and storytelling festival. Scroll down to view updates from the event!
Self-portraits inspired by Frida Kahlo's art, created by children during Mysticeti's art sessions at Kenzen School.
The launch featured an art gallery with more than 300 artworks created by children during Mysticeti's sessions at Kenzen School.
During the sessions, children explored art from different parts of India and learned about artists like SH Raza and Frida Kahlo. At the end of each session, we discussed how art reflects who we are and our dreams of keeping animals and nature safe.
The launch also included a skit, musical, stop motion film and puppet show about folk stories from different regions. These were performed by children between the ages of 5 and 10 years.
The performances were met with laughs, claps, and a lot of love from the audience (all 500 of them)!
A puppet show adaptation of the Brazilian folktale 'Why the bananas belong to the monkeys', performed by the children of Kenzen School, aged between 8 and 10.
A skit adaptation of the Chinese folktale 'Rabbit's Gift', performed by the children of Kenzen School, aged between 8 and 10 years.
A musical adaptation of the African folktale, 'The First Music,' performed by the children of Kenzen School, aged between 5 and 7 years.
A stop motion film adaptation of the Native American folktale 'Coyote Places Stars', created by the children of Kenzen School, aged between 10 and 12 years. It was screened at the soft launch of Mysticeti's Centre for Art and Storytelling, followed by a flash mob of children dressed as animals.
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