The soft launch of Kauri took place during our partner school's annual fest in December 2023.
Kauri (Centre for Art & Storytelling by Mysticeti) is a space for children to share and explore their hopes, adventures, and ideas.
Storytelling and Art Fest, Library Setup, Workshops with Artists from Around India, and More!
Address: Centre for Art & Storytelling, Varanasi (Google Map) | Phone: 9919002884 | Email:
Kauri opened its doors to all children in Varanasi with an exciting series of workshops by the Museum of Art & Photography (MAP Bengaluru), The Alipore Post, Ita Mehrotra, Stuti Sareen, and Anushree Joshi. Over the course of two weeks, participants created poems, short stories, impromptu skits, stop-motion films, and artworks.
Mysticeti designs and facilitates sessions on art and storytelling with children between the ages of 6 to 15 years.
We spent some time foraging leaves and branches and created personality portraits with them. This art was created by Barish. The three identical leaves that she collected remind her of her best friends - Bebo and Niru.
This session was conducted with Kutumb Village - an NGO that provides quality life and education to abandoned children.
A collection of vignettes about spaces where we find safety, friendship and adventure. These stories have been narrated by adults and children from different ages.
We love how each space is either a personification of the narrator's self or is contributing to shaping it.
This session was conducted with Anushree Joshi (a sketch note artist) and the learners at Kenzen School.
Stripes is an art gallery created with children between the ages of 6 and 12 years at Kenzen School. The gallery showcases 70 artworks that represent the connection between the little artists' imagination, creativity, and the natural world.
This session was conducted at Kenzen School.
Finding Me is a peek into a child's world and showcases creations by the children of Kenzen School in Varanasi. It prompts young readers to think beyond their everyday reality, and form meaningful relationships with themselves and their surroundings.
Finding Me creates a space for children to bring imagination and hope into their reality through art and storytelling. It is a limited-edition book by Mysticeti which will be distributed in art and community spaces, encouraging children to believe in themselves.
'A Little Girl Named India' is a zine written by Kenzen School's young authors, aged 10 to 12. Inside its pages, you'll find their short stories and poems that express their dreams and hopes for our country.