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Mysticeti's Skyhop

Apply for Mysticeti's Skyhop – a program designed to support aspiring writers of all ages. Shortlisted writers will gain access to short story editing, join a reading and writing group, and receive monthly writing prompts.


Design creative workshops and modules for children

Mysticeti is seeking artists and experts to design and lead creative workshops and modules for children at Kauri (Centre for Art & Storytelling by Mysticeti). This is a freelance and paid opportunity. Email us at to know more.


Call for collaboration | Goa

Mysticeti is collaborating with initiatives in Goa in the following areas:

1. Workshops for children to explore self-expression and creative learning  
2. Co-hosting a writing community event  
3. Editing and curating writing and art for online platforms


Short stories, journals and reviews

Mysticeti is inviting writers to share short stories, art reviews, travel journals and diary entries.


Short films

Mysticeti is inviting artists to share short films. We are open to exploring different themes, duration, languages and formats. Mail us at to share your film with us!


Let's Talk Art

Mysticeti loves having conversations with artists from different fields and regions. These are usually short personal interviews that focus on sharing the artist’s creative process and inspiration. Email us at to tell us about your work.


Share your Expression

Mysticeti features visual or sonic prompts in Expressions and invites readers to share writings inspired by them.


Share your Lesson Plan

Mysticeti is inviting educators, artists, and child development practitioners to contribute to a Lesson Plan Compendium. Selected lesson plans will be curated into a collection and published as a resource book. Contributors will receive a copy and gain access to many other lesson plans! 

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